




  • Shock resistant V-fib or pulseless V-Tac, Unstable V-Tach




  • Hypersensitivity to any of the contents
  • Unmanaged cardiogenic shock
  • Marked sinus bradycardia
  • 2nd or 3rd degree AV blocks


Side Effects:


  • Hypotension, bradycardia, AV block, asystole, PEA, hypertoxicity




Pulseless VF/VT:


  • 300mg IV/IO bolus; repeat once at 150mg IV/IO bolus


VT with pulse:


  • 150mg in 50mL NS or D5W administered through a 10 gtt set over 10 minutes.
  • May repeat once if patient remains in unstable VT to a total dose of 300mg over 20 minutes.


Maintenance Drip:


  • 1mg/minute = 150mg in 50 mL NS or D5, administered through a 60 gtt set at 20 gtts per minute.




Pulseless VF/VT:


  • 5mg/kg IV/IO bolus


Termination of VF/VT:


  • 5mg/kg IV/IO over 20 minutes
  • Place amount of medication in 50 mL of NS or D5W, administered through a 10 gtt set over 20 minutes.
  • Repeat doses of 5mg/kg IV/IO over 20 minutes; maximum 15mg/kg